Tuesday, January 20, 2009

ATI driver + latest Xorg = frustration

Looks like I'll have to wait for ATI to update their driver.

I've installed the open JDK 1.6, does anyone know if it's just the Sun releases repackaged for Fedora?

I'm also going to test tomcat/JSP, see how it runs. In the past it's been a bit of a wrestling match to get Fedora and tomcat to play nice.

Next on the "to do" list:
- apache configuration
- php & mysql installation
- Flash SDK installation and first demo

Why Flash?
It's notoriously buggy on Linux platforms and very crash prone. Thus a good litmus test for Fedora 10.

1 comment:

  1. - Fedora JDK --> Sun JDK with non-open bits (there are still a very few) replaced with open bits from IcedTea project.

    - Tomcat is packaged in Fedora, ready to run.

    - 64-bit flash is not RPM packaged by Adobe yet, but it runs very nicely (once you figure out where to but the library).
